Towards Security Assured Cyberinfrastructure in Pennsylvania (SAC-PA2) CI Cybersecurity Workshop2

Thursday, Jun 14, 2018 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Jun 15, 2018 at 5:00 PM EST

100 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburgh , PA, 15213, United States

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Thursday, Jun 14, 2018 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Jun 15, 2018 at 5:00 PM EST

Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, 100 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburgh , PA, 15213, United States.

Towards Security Assured Cyberinfrastructure in Pennsylvania (SAC-PA2)
CI Cybersecurity 2nd Workshop for Education and Research 
CICI Regional 

Advancements in data-driven research depend on trustworthy and reliable cyberinfrastructure. Researchers and educators rely on a variety of networked technologies and software tools to conduct science and education on our campuses. These may include local or remote instruments, high-performance computing clusters, large-scale computing grids, distributed software tools, data repositories, sensors and other critical infrastructure connected by high-speed networking. This complex, distributed, interconnected global cyberinfrastructure ecosystem presents unique cybersecurity challenges. As the systems and tools of modern science and education become increasingly more available and easier to consume, campus IT organizations will be challenged to develop and implement effective cybersecurity solutions.  

Smaller institutions and campuses with limited resources will be particularly challenged, but can benefit from collaboration and sharing of regional expertise and knowledge. The purpose of the workshops is to provide professionals from smaller institutions and campuses with information and exposure to the people, tools, and techniques being developed and deployed on larger campuses and scientific communities. 

The goal of the project is to establish a framework for regional collaboration and sharing of cybersecurity resources, expertise, and information in Pennsylvania. 

Who should attend? 

The workshop is open to individuals from higher-ed, community colleges, K-12, and other non-profits in the region that engage in research and education using cyberinfrastructure. 


  • Campus IT Professionals
  • IT Engineers, Architects, and Cybersecurity Professionals
  • Cyberinfrastructure Engineers
  • Network Engineers
  • Systems Engineers
  • IT Security/Risk Management Professionals
  • Others engaged in supporting science, education, and research efforts on their campus

The workshop will consist of two days of presentations, information, and conversations about cybersecurity for cyberinfrastructure. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a better understanding of the latest tools, techniques, and methods for supporting the use of cyberinfrastructure in education and science. Attendees will be encouraged to join and participate in developing the Towards Security Assured Cyberinfrastructure in Pennsylvania collaboration. 

The second workshop builds upon the work and foundations formed in the initial workshop held June 22-23, 2017 while further exploring the following four critical areas 1) Security & Priacy Tools, Techniques, Research; 2) Cyber-Operations; 3) Risk Management; and 4) Policy and Compliance. 

Location: The workshop will be held at Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213.  

Hotel Room Block: A hotel room block has been secured at the Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center for hotel stays June 13-15. Book your hotel room at by May 29th to reserve using the group discounted rate. Or call (412) 682-6251 and be sure to reference SAC-PA2 when reserving. 

Cost: Thanks to the sponsors, registration for the event is free. Lunch and refreshments will be provided during the workshop. Attendees are responsible for travel and lodging. 


Thursday, June 14 - Day 1

8:00 am –  8:30 am - Breakfast
8:30 am –  9:00 am - Opening Remarks - Dr. James Joshi, PI, Pitt's School of Computing and Information (SCI) 
9:00 am - 10:00 am - Presentations
10:00 am – 10:15 am - Break
10:15 am - 12:00 pm - Presentations
12:00 pm –  1:00 pm - Lunch  
1:15 pm  – 2:15 pm - Presentations
3:00 pm – 3:15pm - Break 
3:15 pm – 4:00 pm - Presentations
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm - Question and answer session
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm - Wrap-up 

6:00pm – 8:00pm Workshop Dinner [location TBD]

Friday, June 15 - Day 2

 8:00 am – 8:30 am – Breakfast
 8:30 am – 10:00 am - Presentations
10:00 am – 10:15 am - Break
10:15 am - 12:00 pm - Presentations
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm - Lunch
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm - Presentations
2:45 pm - 3:00 pm - Break 
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Presentations
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm - Wrap-up

Please note, the workshop agenda is tentative and may change. A final agenda will be circulated to registrants closer to the workshop.  

This workshop is part of the project supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1642117, entitled CICI Regional: SAC-PA: Towards Security Assured Cyberinfrastructure in Pennsylvania.

Organizers: University of Pittsburgh School of Computing and Information, KINBER

Contact the Organizer